The Results Are In

For those of you who remember, I recently purchased a Holga 135BC camera (click for that post, or for a general overview of the Holga).

For my first film I decided to get a general feel for the camera by experimenting with all the different settings. Unfortunately, due to the wonderful London summer, the weather was rather dreary that day, so the majority of the photographs were rather dark due to the heavy cloud cover. Although the sun did make an appearance at one point, albeit rather begrudgingly. Predictably a few of the shots were rather subpar and one or two were non existant (I secretly think they were so fantastic the developers stole them!). However I decided to post some of the nicer general shots, apologies for my rather low quality scanner.

For those of you interested, I used a roll of 400 ISO film due to the rather darker lighting conditions I was working in. As a general rule of thumb 100 and 200 ISO are used in bright conditions, whilst 400 ISO works better for overcast days and indoors. The highest speed film is reserved for dark conditions such as when shooting in a museum. Usually the higher the speed of the film, the grainier the image will be. This can easily be seen on a low quality mobile phone camera when shooting in darker settings. Of course in order to remedy this you could theoretically expose the film for a longer time, by slowing down or manually controlling the shutter speed, however this usually results in an image lacking detail or being completely blank. It must also be noted that with a manual shutter speed, your finger physically can not move as fast as the shutter of a camera. This means unless you are using a tripod or fixed rest point for your camera, even the slightest movement caused by your breathing will result in a blurry image.

The only editing on the computer I have done is to change the 'brightness' of the images to match the original copies. Indeed the whole appeal of buying a Holga for me was to get back to that 'raw' state of photography, which sadly seems to be slowly fading away as of late due to the digital market. I am rather pleasantly surprised with the outcome of this first roll of film, hopefully now that I am comfortably acquainted with my newest camera, I shall be able to take some better shots and post them as they come.

On a side note I realise it has been quite a while since my last outfit post, so I promise to do one tomorrow. Oh, and I am nearly at my 100th post...I feel a video post coming up to thank you all for being such wonderful people!

Currently playing: You Remind Me Of Home - Death Cab For Cutie


His 'Biscuit Cardigan'


The Leather Jacket