His 'Biscuit Cardigan'

Apologies for the lack of outfit posts as of late, I have been clad in jogging bottoms and ridiculously bright t-shirts as of late due to poor health.

However, today I decided to don something a little more post worthy. Oh, I baked some coconut biscuits this morning and I am steadily munching away as I type. That is a somewhat random piece of information about my day today I though I would share with you, but the biscuits are seriously nice.

My brother calls this my 'biscuit cardigan', which I can only assume is due to its delightful colour. I was particularly attracted to the buttons, which are an extremely pale brown and nicely chunky. Fabric wise the cardigan is actually made from thinly knit 'premium' wool. I am not entirely sure what makes the wool premium, however I would like to think the sheep had a good shampoo and conditioning routine going before they got shaved of all their hard work and glorious effort for my clothing pleasure. It is not too obvious, but I am wearing a collared jersey top underneath, with a woven brown and black scarf wrapped around my neck. For me this is more comfort wear than anything else, but even so, that is no reason to slack on style!

Special thanks to the wonderfully stylish Fashion Is Poison for tagging me for another Premio Award, I would highly recommend you to check her blog out.

Oh and come back tomorrow, when I shall hopefully have a video post up for you delightful people...provided I can work out all the technologies involved.

Currently playing: Droplets ft. Jason Reeves - Colbie Caillat


Essentials Part One: The Shirt


The Results Are In