This Is How I Blog

The wonderful Songy of Style Discovery recently tagged me for the fun and revealing Show Me Your Blog Spot.

The rules are as follows:

1. Once you are tagged, post a picture of where you blog.
2. Feel free to tell us a little about your space, or explain certain items in more detail. Or not.
3. Link back Daddy Likey's original post.
4. Tag five other bloggers to show their blog spots.
5. If you are tagged and do not participate, you will become allergic to cabbage.

I have never really owned a desk, and as such have always worked best on the floor where I can spread my inspiration and thoughts around me. My reading of other blogs and writing is therefore mainly done on the floor of my bedroom. I type away on my white iBook, one of those elderly Macs outshone specification wise by the new laptops of today, yet perfectly suitable to my needs. You may also note the cheerful vinyl figure in the photograph below, I do indeed collect these small and wonderful (and fun!) art pieces.

I tend to have a cup of tea by my side whilst working or writing. Today I opted for some first flush Assam - lighter than the main crop yet still with a firm body and fruity nature. It is the perfect accompaniment for the start of spring.

I have a love of scented candles and the power they contain to take our olfactory senses on such wonderous journeys. Today the air around me carries an aroma with the top notes of clove, bergamot and wood smoke, accompanied by lovely base notes of vanilla and leather.

I have quite the collection of fragances, each selected by occasion and time of year. Although this sweeter scent is most probably suited by most for Autumn, I find it more approriate for spring or winter. It needs a freshness to carry it well, so I feel it is best suited to early spring and the sunny days of winter. Unfortunately the scent becomes somehwat too sweet on my skin during the summer months, due to my inevitable tan.

The opening scent is wonderfully misleading before becoming sweet and comfortable. One is first hit with a strong and fresh iris blended underneath with hints of bergamot, sage and some lavender. This quickly leads way to a slightly powdery amber, patchouli, leather and finally a deeply sweet and seductive cocoa.

Books seem to surround me constantly, my bedroom is almost submissive to the towering piles of literature. Pages upon pages are witness to the very beauty and creativity of the human mind. I always make sure to buy books whenever I pass a charity store, there is something about giving the written word a second lease of life that I find charming. I am often asked whether I have a favourite style of novel or book. I like being surprised and try not to disregard or second guess my tastes, I will as happily read about the wonders of bird migration as I will the adventures of Huckleberry Finn, provided it is well written.

I have a deep seated love of film making, whether it be contemporary or from the dawn of cinema. I have always been inspired by the early Expressionist cinema of Germany and the Soviet Union, whose techniques and style lead the way long before the era of Hollywood. Unfortunately, these old silent movies, often dismissed as merely 'artsy' by the modern viewer, are not to the tastes of all. The stunning films of Alfred Hitchcock however, can inspire, move and amaze all. I would highly recommend one to watch any of his movies, whether they be the early silent movies he collaborated on or his famous American colour talkies.

I adore the wealth of information and visual inspiration found in magazines and publications. I collect issues of Vogue and Elle, along with the occasional Dazed & Confused, I-D, Fantastic Man and Monocle. Whether it be the articles, styling, clothing, art or indeed the photography technique, these are all indispensible for me.

Although I shoot mainly in digital for this blog out of convenience, I actually own only the one digital camera, a rather cheap and cheerful Fuji S5800. My passion lies in my collection of film (35mm, 120 roll film and instant) cameras, spanning from the turn of the centry to contemporary. The majority were cheap second hand finds, luckily costing the same amount per camera as the average singular magazine issue.

I am a constant student to the beautiful art of photography, and although I am learned on issues of exposure tables, the rule of thirds, the science of perspective and the way the eye sees, I am ever learning more. The best way to learn is inevitably to shoot and shoot, whether it be via the accessibility and ease of digital or the measured approach of film, it is all valuable experience. I also spend time looking, both at the world around me and the photography of others, for it is never the camera that 'makes' the photograph - it is the eye behind it.

Writing and art are expressive outlets that I value more than words could ever describe, although I often try. Whether it be the feel of my fountain pen smoothly writing across silky paper, the flow of words from the colourful maze of my mind into a more tangible form, my brush softly stroking its meaning onto the canvas or my markers gliding across the cold surface of metal, creativity and emotion are the keys.

Art exhibitions are always a wonderful experience for me, there is an inherent fascination for me in being able to look at the beauty created by others and simply feel the pieces. I believe in seeking for beauty anywhere, for even in the most ugly places there is a way of looking to find it, however exhibitions create a more determined character and visual journey, which can be both refreshing and inspiring. I always make sure to buy postcards of pieces I enjoyed at certain galleries.

A sleeping owl guards my coins. I always imagine that the day someone steals from it, I shall know as he will awaken with eyes wide open.

Would you care to join me for a game after? We could challenge our wits over tea and biscuits and talk longingly of summers past.

For this rather enjoyable tag I shall be tagging these lovely people:

- Sally of Already Pretty
- Anna of Cinnamon & Coffee
- Rebecca of The Clothes Horse
- Johanne of Glitterati
- Allison of La Dolce Vita
- Myriam of my miji
- Seeker of Searching the Inner Me...
- Hannah of Sixteen Going on Seventy...
- Kit of Style Slicker and The Fashion Assistant & Her Camera

Please feel free to share your blog spot even if I did not manage to tag you this time :)

Currently playing: Comfort ft. Lil Wayne - Omarion (a tad overproduced for the vocals of Omarion, but still an oddly catchy beat by Timbaland)




"The Photo Club"