Just A Sweet Treat?

Louis Vuitton watermelon slice

Gucci juicy pomegranate and YSL caramel

Chanel luscious lilac

YSL wild cherry and Chanel green apple

If one were to ask my friends to name one item I tend to carry without fail, the majority answer would most likely be - lollipops. I shall admit that I have quite the sweet tooth, although that being said, the handful of lollipops I always carry on my person or in my bag are not for my own consumption. Rather I carry the sugary treats in order to offer and hand out, whether it be whilst seated with a friend or to an especially helpful shop assistant, the childish glee with which they tend to accept is always a wonderful sight. After all, as the old saying goes, it is better to give than to receive.

As such, when I saw these sweet offerings by fashion photographer Massimo Gammacurta, I was somewhat more than delighted. Although many may pass over these designs as rather gimmicky, I would personally implore them to look past the sweet exterior. In an industry where those lucky few with the money to easily afford high end labels, it is many of those people who often look upon designer fashion as a temporary luxury. Although they may spend rather large amounts of money for the latest runway piece, some end up resigning it all after the season is over. Therefore if one looks at the lollipops from the point of view of disposable high end fashion, these colourful treats take on a far more powerful meaning than their childlike appearance would at first portray.

Now if one would be so kind as to pass me the Louis Vuitton, cherry Saint Laurent and apple Chanel...

Currently playing: After The Dance - Marvin Gaye


Arctic Warriors
