Wu Wear The Renaissance Garment Nikes

Although the results rarely gain but a select audience, it is actually rather a common occurence for a designer to rework and recut sneakers. Usually the end product looks exactly like that - a cut up sneaker. The materials and construction for the majority of sneakers do not lend themselves to having pieces cut out, however appealing the surface stitching misleads one to believe. Yet every so often a designer comes along who approaches the concept with a clear end result in mind and seeks the perfect sneaker with which to realise this.

Product design student, Nancy Wu, of the Art Centre College of Design in Pasedena, created these incarnations of the conceptual 'cut and sew' sneaker. Taking inspiration from the Hellenistic period , Wu was inspired by the humble Greco-Roman sandal in her creation of a contemporary and original silhouette.

Admittedly I was actually blown away by only one of her designs:

This is actually one of the best cut away designs I have seen in a long time. The silhouette oddly looks completely natural for the sneaker. If these were actually produced by Nike, I feel they would easily sell to a sizeable number of women.

Currently playing: You Rock My World - Michael Jackson


Lower East Side you say?
