Smart Breakfast

So the weather has been somewhat fickle today in London. The light patter of rain outside my window currently, is actually rather comforting, as I sit here typing away with a cup of tea and a plate of buttered crumpets and custard cream biscuits. Fortunately however the weather was mild enough this morning for me to enjoy my breakfast in the garden. Nothing overly special outfit wise, it is pretty basic admittedly. The tie however is quite special to me, as my mother bought it for my father before they were married and despite not looking like it, is actually made from fine knit wool. I am quite enamoured by the colour combinations of the tie, and the slight fading that expresses its age and wonderful history.

Suprise! Some actual full body shots, I thought I would treat you to my full height (which to answer the question from the anonymous poster, is currently 6 foot 1 inch...or 186cm for anyone living in metric land), rather than two segmented shots. Yes, I do have rather spindly legs, and my do I love them.

This is just a close up of the badges I am wearing today. I have a sizeable collection of badges, and to me each and every one of them is unique and special. Although badges have been most common for military purposes and signalling rank and honours gained, even down to a shop level, where the manager has a special badge displaying their position, I am quite attracted to the way these small displays can provide an insight into a person upon first glance. They are not worn with an intent to simply allow someone to read character, however hopefully interest them into asking questions. They can invoke memories and can be a wonderfully creative display of our personalities.

Special thanks to Apresenta Concept for also tagging me with a wonderful Premio Award!

Currently playing: Sunday's Best - Augustana


Fight or Flight


Essentials Part Three: The Boots