Fight or Flight

This morning I walked out into the garden to find feathers strewn across the grass, reminding me of a sort of Hansel breadcrumb trail. Fortunately the source of the feathers was a visual mystery, meaning that the poor bird must have been able to escape the claws of the rather aggressive foxes that stalk the city gardens. Upon inspection I could only spot one flight feather, leading me to believe that the bird would have managed, albeit with its nerves shaken, to fly away, despite losing a number of its smaller feathers. Luckily the weather is quite mild for now, so the bird should be able to regrow the missing feathers in time for the slowly approaching colder and darker autumn nights.

My outfit today is again quite simple, with the basic shirt and tie combination, in which the tie is actually a metallic silver. Although it may be quite hard to see, the hooded top is a deep purple colour, which compliments the tie rather nicely, indeed often making the tie seem a metallic purple. I have been wearing my Dr Martens around the house for some time recently in order to break them in fully for the winter months, at which time they should be perfect for my commutes in the infamous British weather. I did actually force myself to do a handstand for one of the photographs, however most of my legs were cut off and the angle did not work too well, so unfortuantely I am not posting that one.

This is as close I get to smiling apparently!

I would also like to say a wonderful Happy Birthday and big love to my father. He does not actually know about the blog, or indeed know what a 'blog' is. However contrary to popular belief, he is mildly proficient at 'the internetting' and 'goo-gull', so this is in the off chance he manages to stumble across this post. So anyway, today for the celebrations I am baking moon cakes and a wonderful banoffee cake, as well as making my special ginger snaps.

Currently playing: Lift Me Up - Moby (where did he disappear off to?)


I Love Scented Candles...


Smart Breakfast