Perfume and Premio

So I got myself tagged by the super Style Du Monde.


1. Pick up the nearest book
2. Open to Page 123
3. Find the 5th sentence
4. Post the next 3 sentences
5. Tag 5 people and acknowledge who tagged you

The book I have closest to me currently is 'Perfume' by Patrick Sueskind (well the English translation, my German is good enough to talk about history and political issues, but for some reason not so handy for general fiction).

'Even Lebrun, the bandit of the Auvergne, though pursued from all sides, had preferred to fight his way through to the Cevennes and there be captured, drawn and quartered rather than to hide out on the Plomb du Cantal, where certainly no one would have sought or found him, but where likewise he would certainly have died a solitary, living death and that had seemed to him worse still. For miles around the mountain, there lived not one human being, nor even a respectable mammal - at best a few bats and a few beetles and adders. No one had scaled the peak for decades.'

I would like to tag these wonderful people: Stitches&Threads, With Love..., Fashion-Reporter FYI, Fantabulistique and Cheetos are Orange.


I also got my tagged by the lovely Danz of Fatal Attraction 2 Fashion for the Premio Award Tag.

The rules being:

1) When received, you may post the premio to your blog.
2) Link to the blogger you received it from.
3) Give it to 7 blogs
4)… link to those 7 blogs
5)…and leave those seven bloggers a comment about receiving the brilliant premio.

I shall be tagging: All Things Blonde and Beautiful, Art Music Fashion and Random-ness, Ballad Ofjohn, Crash Division, Fashion Ivy, Meet the Freak and Style Rookie.

Currently playing: Beautiful ft. Pharrell Williams - Snoop Dogg



Cloudy Days


The Revolution of Fashion