Cloudy Days

I quite enjoy dark and cloudy days, especially on the weekend, it means I can snuggle up indoors. Although admittedly I would rather have some sunshine at the moment, however that is the British summer for you. Today I have just been hobbling to the supermarket and back in order to stock up on a few things, namely teabags, biscuits and mixed sweets (well I can't have a cosy day without some essentials can I?).

Due to the unpredictability of the weather I was drawn to natural fabrics, good for both warm and cold weather due to their breathability, yet also insulating natures. Given that, I am wearing a cotton t-shirt, cotton sweater, linen scarf and linen trousers. The boots are a personal favourite of mine, fusing that smart brogues (wingtips for you Americans) look with a more casual style, given the more sports sole of the shoe. Oh and I actually tried to make my hair look reasonable smart today. And I have been thinking that I may need to get a tripod or find somewhere new to take photographs, I'm not too partial to the split look photographs.

Special thanks to The Steel Closet for featuring my Shemagh article in their post!

*EDIT* Many thanks to the wonderful and stylish Fashion Dreamer of Fashion Daydreams for linking me in her post! Apparently we both look pretty in pink on our lazy days :) (check my Duvet Day)

Currently playing: The Mixed Tape - Jack's Mannequin


Ansel Adams' America


Perfume and Premio