Fashion Bailout

“Fashion Bailout”

Vogue Italia (April 2009)

Photographer: Steven Meisel

Stylist: Karl Templer

Model: Darya Kurovska, Elin Svahn, Eliza Cummings & Portia Freeman

Live long enough and history repeats itself.

This editorial came out following the financial crisis of 2008, and with the state of the economy in the UK right now, it almost seems like we are right back there again. What I find interesting is that if you were to swap the shoes of any of these looks with some chunky sneakers then the outfits would fit almost seamlessly into the contemporary scene.

One of the benefits of living around the corner from an art school is that I get to see what the students are wearing on a day to day basis. I have a purely anecdotal observation to make, so no deep dive, but before the pandemic started I remember being bored of how homogeneous all the art students were dressing. Now that we are post-lockdown, it seems like an explosion of creativity has once again occurred, and there is far more diversity in looks to be seen. If I saw an art student dressed like this today I do not actually think it would look dated.



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