A Softer Touch

Spring 2011

"Suzuki's approach to designing is to cherish every moment in the life of a garment - particularly finding a new side of it, even if it is totally worn out.  Beauty must be found in anything...This appreciation gives clothes a life and warmness of a human touch"
(Suzuki Takayuki)

Collections come and go - fleeting moments within the unapologetic frenzy of fashion.  Some of those moments you safeguard against the will of time, lest they slip through your memory without so much as the trace of a whisper.  Some of those moments pique your interest like a flash across the horizon that transfixes you for a time, but ultimately disappear just as quickly as they came.  And yet most of those moments seem to stream past without so much as a brief glance, barely acknowledged, seen just so that they can be forgotten (although as it happens it is usually this type of collection that you find yourself reconsidering after enough time has past).  In this instance, the more I look at the Spring 2011 collection by Suzuki Takayuki, the more it seems like a fashion moment that I want to remember and look back upon next season with a smile.  Gentle, romantic, and soft, it has the qualities of the type of collection that shall always make me stop and admire.

Whilst designers often create collections for both men and women, and indeed analysis of the relationship between "their" man and "their" woman is often in itself of interest (not to even mention the exceptions such as Rad Hourani), Takayuki offers a highly coherent singular collection for both sexes.  Personally I feel that for the most parts the womenswear looks outweigh the menswear, however that may just be a matter of approach.  Although I try to consider fashion within a wider framework, my initial reaction is understandably based on a personal connection - whether or not I could see myself wearing the clothing.  Obviously there are also many designers whose work I admire despite the fact that I would never wear their garments, and indeed simply put - beauty is beauty.  Where womenswear is concerned, certain considerations, in terms of practicality, comfort and relation to my own personal style and body, are not immediately apparent.  I am not sure whether that disconnect allows for a freer consideration, or merely a more uninformed consideration, but I go by what I am attracted to and find beautiful - as is the case with this collection.

I love the look of this lightweight knit, especially the muted blue colour against the shirt and trousers.  I am seldom a fan of curved necklines atop shirts, however the softness of the shirt that this sweater has been paired with makes it work perfectly.  The raw hemlines, with the telltale roll, are a nice touch adding to the softness of the piece that I find so alluring.  The length of the sleeves is also rather nice, in particular the stacking of the ribbed cuffs.  It is perhaps a childhood association of some nature, however I find lengthy sleeves really comforting, not to mention the fact that I think the resulting stacking looks interesting.

In my opinion not enough men wear scarves with regularity.  I am not talking hipsters who wear long woolen scarves in the height of summer with t-shirts and sunglasses, but weather-appropriate scarves.  As somebody who pretty much lives in scarves throughout the majority of the year, I found this pale yellow piece beautiful, particularly the subtle blue stripe running throughout.

Heck yes.

This look is by far my favourite from the entirety of the collection.  The layering of textures, the colours, and the silhouette are absolutely stunning.  I particularly love the jacket.  In fact, I wish more women dressed like this.  There.  I said it.

You wear the hers and I'll wear the his.

(images via scoute)

Currently playing: Do It Alone - Kid Cudi 


A New Year
