Notions of Childhood

Regression was for Freud a coping mechanism acted out by adults dealing with elevated stress and anxiety, by returning to the comfort of childhood behaviours and memories. Yet there were undeniable negative connotations to this idea, especially where regressive behaviours stepped the line over into actual avoidance. I suppose that deep down the majority of us have warm feelings and nostalgia towards childhood, even if not specifically our own, than to the general concept of childhood. There is a security and comfort not only in terms of being a child protected from the world, but also in the innocence of childhood.

For me it is almost second nature to evoke my inner child, as it were, almost unconsciously as a way both of keeping a smile on my face but also trying to see the world in a different way. What Freud would have to say of this is perhaps interesting, however I think there is always some kind of need for us to go back to that innocent sense of wonder and curiosity. Not to mention the inherent comfort of those memories.

Cosmic Wonder
Fall '09 Collection

I recently came across the latest Fall '09 collection by Cosmic Wonder, entitled 'Light Streams', and could not help but feel a sense of childhood within the collection. What I mean by this, is that there were certain elements which for me evoked the idea of childhood, and in which I took a particular comfort. The most obvious visual factor is perhaps the shoes, which reminded me of those early years of school, albeit having myself worn black versions. I always find it odd how a piece of clothing can trigger memories, and indeed the moment that my eyes feel upon this collection and the shoes, my mind seemed to wonder involuntarily back to days of knee socks and Power Rangers.

For that simple journey of thought alone the collection was worth posting, however thankfully the collection was itself of great merit. Keeping with the theme of childhood, if I may, I was fascinated by the outfits where oversized parkas and coats were paired with trousers cuffed so that the hems just grazed the ankles. Whilst this is perhaps a very in vogue fashion style, it actually once again reminds me of my own childhood. I was a rather tall child and my trousers were never really long enough. In contrast my coats were always on the large side, as my parents, along with most parents I suppose, insisted that I would 'grow into' them. I find it odd how such a simple styling choice can make me smile inwardly, not specifically out of appreciation of fashion, but rather due to the connotations of it for me.

As a child with a tiny bit of an obsession with bowties (ok, so I secretly wanted a bowtie, round wired spectacles and tweed jacket) I found the looks based around this accessory quite alluring. The collection in general was wonderfully smart, and yet the choice of fabrics, with wools and flannels had a traditionally casual feel. There was a sense of nostalgia in the looks which reminded me of the type of outfits I used to look up to as a child. I also rather enjoyed the subdued colour palette, which I suppose in my reading works wonderfully with the idea of a hazy memory and recollection of childhood, where the colours wash out a touch and gain a warmth in that process. This warmth was apparent both in the light colours but also once again through the fabric choices.

Of course no childhood is complete without a game of dress up, and I was pleased to see the inclusion of the metallic elements, such as the silver poncho and golden sweater. These provided rather unexpected pops which although highly conspicuous, somehow managed to remain appropriate for the collection. Indeed they were a rather playful addition, which although perhaps not wearable (the brave notwithstanding), helped to create a generally fun and casual feel to the collection.

Although the reading of childhood in this collection may only be a personal one, I really do hope it manages to spark a similar journey through memory and past in others.

Currently playing: Ting-A-Ling - Shabba Ranks


