Sunshine Yellow.

Special thanks to the lovely Sweety P of Sweety P Style Files for passing this award my way! Here are the answers to the questions that went along with the award :)

Where is your (mobile) cell phone: Charging on my bedside table
Your hair: Curly
Your mother: Amazing
Your father: Hilarious
Favourite food: Anything my grandmother makes
Dream last night: A pygmy elephant walking on two legs with a suit painted onto his skin - he looked curiously like Babar
Favourite drink: Tea
Which room are you in: Bedroom
Hobby: Anything to do with cameras, cooking, pretending in my head that everyone actually has a pirate accent
Fear: Rubber balloons
Where were you last night: Gliding across rooftops in a cape and saving the wor - wait no, home, I was definitely at home...
Something you are not: Grumpy
Muffins: Banana
Wish list item: Sunshine in my pocket that I could give to people when they are feeling down
Where did you grow up: South London
What are you wearing: I am writing this for tomorrow, however today I wore a pink oxford left handed twill shirt, navy blue v-neck merino wool sweater, light grey two button wool suit, folded white pocket square, pink socks, brown leather belt and brown leather shoes
Your pets: A cat - I wish!!
Friends: Love love
Something you are not wearing: An imperial purple Ozwald Boateng bespoke two button suit with red stitching, pale green shirt, black silk tie, pale green and red polka dot silk pocket square, acid green patent belt, and black oxford shoes. Or a pale grey flannel two button Norton & Sons bespoke lounge suit, crisp white shirt, woven navy blue silk tie, silver tie bar, patterned red and navy cotton pocket square, red socks and black oxford shoes - but a boy can dream right?
Favourite store: Traditional perfumeries, they are so magical
Favourite colour: Depends on the situation and setting
Last time you laughed: A few minutes ago
Your best friend: My older brother
Place you go over and over: My happy place - it lets me go on holiday any time and any situation
Person who emails you regularly: Some lady who tells me her father passed away and left her a huge fortune, which she would now like to share with me because I am apparently awesome (and hopefully gullible)
Favourite place to eat: Anywhere with friends

Currently playing: Wahid - Mos Def


Welcome To Nowhere


A Little Sportswear