Part Eleven: Of Words

Is writing something that comes easy to you, or have you spent a lot of time working on and improving it?

In order to be a good writer I believe that one needs first to be a good reader. I have always had a love of literature, a love which was actually nurtured by my parents. Thanks to the dedication of my mother I had been lead through the cupboard and into a magical world of eternal Winter, spent days floating down the river with Toad, Ratty and Mole, and gone searching for treasure on Kirrin Island, all before I could even read the words upon the pages which took me there.

Once I had learnt to read, it was as if I had been given the opportunity to explore all of the wonders that the world had to behold, if I would only reach out to touch them. I remember my mounting anticipation towards the end of the week, where Saturday heralded the weekly visit to the library. Where other children may have be at a loss when beholding the possibilities of the confectionery shop, my eyes rounded in joy at the sight of all those books. It was as if the millions of voices shelved away neatly in rows upon rows, yearned to be heard. They had spent a lifetime patiently waiting just for me and I was only too eager to oblige them.

Upon those humble pages, unassuming words were deftly woven together into the rich tapestry of an author's expression. A book may allow you to explore everything the world has to offer, and yet the most profound experience may be when you seek the world and instead find yourself. Just as one brings to the interpretation of art one's own experiences and self, the complexities of the written word allow us a unique and personal conversation with that which we read. The same piece of literature can mean any thing to any person.

Books contain an impossibly vast number of personal expressions, for the voice of the author which resides in each book is unique. I suppose that I would like to be a good writer one day, and in order to do that I try to read as much as I can. I try to be varied and unbiased in my approach to reading, for to judge without evidence is to be a fool.

I write as a means of expression. It is a way of giving life and meaning to thoughts and ideas that exist only as fragile wisps in the mind until they are given solid form. I am a very visually minded person, and as such writing has always been about being able to express the beauty and wonder I see both in the world around me and within my own mind. I have always found it somewhat difficult to convey to others the way in which I see things, and as such I always knew that being able to articulate myself well through writing was important. I have a very over-active imagination, and indeed I spent my childhood engrossed in the images conjured within my mind through reading or else by my own thoughts.

I hope that I am able to express myself as fluently as those writers who allow me to explore their minds as well as my own. I am always amazed when I receive compliments on my writing with regards to this blog. In truth it is the first time that I have ever really been complimented for my writing, which are but my amateur attempts to express the things in which I find wonder and beauty.

I am constantly writing, whether it be ideas, thoughts, memories or the creations of my imagination. The vast majority of that which I write, I allow to float away like a bubble of thought into the sky. The only eyes to see it may simply my own, but it is enough for me. I think that by constantly trying to articulate my ideas, even though it may only be to myself, it helps for when I try to articulate thus with others. I am always humbled by those who take the time to read my words, and although I may not be the best of writers now, I really do hope that one day I may be.

Have you ever been published for your writing?

One of the reasons that I chose not to answer these questions in an earlier post was the fact that I had something rather exciting to share with you all. Thanks to the ever so wonderful Kwannam Chu (we could grow up together), I can now share that I was given an amazing opportunity to be published for my writing. I actually wrote an article on the fantasy of couture and whether an equivalent exists for the male consumer. The article has been printed in the latest issue of I.T POST (Fall/Winter 2009), so if any of my readers happen to be in the Hong Kong region, please do be sure to pick up a copy! It is still rather a surreal experience.

Here is a sneak peek into the beautiful issue...

What are you studying at University?

I am currently studying History of Art (BA). (Hint: for those of you who were able to attend London Fashion Week this season, you may have perhaps noticed that Somerset House is also home to a certain Art History school).

Currently playing: Vide Cor Meum (composed by Patrick Cassidy)


