"Shh, No Talking"

(I always get the weirdest stills!)

I have been thinking about colour as of late, well more specifically, how different colours work for different seasons. I happen to prefer the autumnal colour palette in comparison to the other seasons when it comes to daily outfits. There is a certain freedom that one does not really get at any other time of the year. This is not to say that one is not allowed to wear certain colours at certain times of the year, but rather the colour palette as it exists when one chooses to reflect the changing seasons.

Whereas during the bright days of summer I would have paired my pink sweater with perhaps a pair of bright blue trousers or light wash jeans, I think a simple light brown works for autumn. It is admittedly a subtle difference, and yet I often feel that it is the subtle changes which make the most impact upon comparison. It becomes the change between a celebration of colour during the joyous days of Summer, to something akin to the reflection of the memory of Summer. I suppose this is my attempt to recreate that warm haze that envelops our memories past, which I always imagine like the suffusing pale golden light of dawn.

As such I chose to wear brown trousers to both capture my image of a memory realised, but also to reflect in a way the beautiful autumnal landscape. Indeed I have always felt that the wearing of darker colours, of browns, blacks and greys, portend the arrival of the colder months. In a way it becomes both a celebration of the natural autumnal visage, but also the realisation of Winter slowly drawing in. The fact that bright colour works alongside these darker hues for the autumnal months is for me a beautiful thing. Whereas towards the end of Winter one notes dark outfits with small pops of colour, it is at this time of year, with Summer still fresh in our minds, that colour is still apparent in the majority. I guess it is therefore the conscious adaptation within outfits, of fabrics and colours choices, during the transitional months which I find so fascinating.

I opted to match the pink of my sweater with my socks, just to add that subtle element of visual coherence. It also happens to work for adding an unexpected touch of colour in my gait. My choice of footwear was a pair of navy blue plimsoles, which again I matched colour-wise to a simple handwoven blue scarf. Some of my older readers may actually note my particular fondness for the colour combination of pink, navy and brown, encapsulated here into this outfit.

Currently playing: The Time Is Now - Moloko


Catching Up On Some Reading
