Awards And The Like

An extra special thanks to the lovely Seeker of Searching the Inner Me... for passing the Golden Heart Blog Award my way, as well as to Jennifer of Make.Tea.Not.War for the Honest Scrap Award :) Please do be sure to check out both of their wonderful blogs.

As per the rules of the latter award, here are ten honest things about me...

1. I have never learnt to ride a bicycle, but I am perfectly able to drive a car with a manual transmission. I plan on learning to do so in the near future however, even if only as an excuse to buy a nice looking bicycle of my own. My older brother has offered to teach me, and I believe I shall have to take him up on the offer. Although I must admit I have mental images of young children riding their bicycles quite happily through the park, and a rather tall me swerving and screaming, with my brother running up behind me laughing.

2. I am very particular about my weekend cleaning, and if I am unable to clean my bedroom on a Sunday, I get rather uncomfortable about it during the week. I happen to like routine when it comes to cleaning, and have a specific order that I like to follow. I suppose it is all rather neurotic.

3. I find it quite difficult to find shirts that fit well, given that I am rather tall, yet very slim. I can either purchase a size small and have correctly fitting sleeves, but a baggier torso, or purchase a size extra small and have a correctly fitting torso, but short sleeves. The dilemma is however usually resolved by virtue of a sweater or rolling up my sleeves.

4. I am most probably in the minority in that I happen to prefer UK Vogue over UK Elle. I believe that it most likely comes down to the fact that I am a man, and that I happen not to be one to indulge in the pleasure of cross dressing. As such find the frequent pages of 'What To Buy' and 'The New [insert garment]', displaying a smorgasbord of the latest high street pieces, which one finds in Elle not all that relevant to myself.

5. I always seem to wake up at least 10 minutes before my alarm clock buzzes. I never get out of bed at that moment however, but prefer to watch the glowing red display reach the pre-determined time before getting up. I am not entirely sure why I do that, but for some reason it never feels quite right to switch my alarm off before it has the chance to buzz. I suppose that everything has a purpose, and to prevent the alarm clock from carrying out its given task would feel like I were cheating it in some way.

6. I am uncomfortable with heights to a certain point. If falling from a height could potentially result in harm but not death, I am somewhat wary of the situation. However after a certain height, there is a point where a fall would always result in death, and it is at that point which I am no longer uncomfortable. I suppose it is the uncertainty of the situation which unsettles me the most.

7. I am unable to roll my R's, an inability my older brother takes the utmost joy in teasing me for. I am sometimes able to roll them slightly, though rarely doing so from a conscious decision. I would however love to be able to luxurrrrriate over my R's.

8. I absolutely love buying stationery. I have fond childhood memories of buying things such as a new fountain pen and pencil case at the start of each school year. There was something oddly enjoyable about having that new pencil case with all the new pens and pencils, at times often joined by a new school bag. It was not until I had bought all of my stationery that I felt fully equipped for the new year. Even now I have a love for stationery shopping, whether it be the joy of finding a notepad with paper dense enough for fountain pen ink and a smooth writing surface, or the choice of leads and painted shaft colours for a new pencil.

9. I have been wondering as of late why I appear to wear my jeans higher than just about every other man my age that I see. On the street I seem to be surrounded by a plethora of men with their underwear on display and jeans quite literally half way down their backsides, often despite the fact that their jeans quite happily sport belts. I find it particularly unsettling seeing skinny jeans worn in this fashion, for it appears to reduce men into performing a quasi penguin waddling action.

"Hai guys, wanna walk like us? Well you gotta saaaag dem jeans!"

I am perfectly at ease if a man wishes to wear spray-on jeans or leggings in public, but if one is unable to walk in them, I find it a touch ridiculous. I probably sound like a grumpy old man saying this at all, but I was honestly perplexed at the fact and wondered whether I am wearing my jeans in a manner they were not designed to be. Either way, my jeans will stay firmly on my hips (not to worry, I do however wear formal trousers at my natural waistline).

10. Upon inspection of my wardrobe it would appear that over a quarter of my clothing comes from a single store - Uniqlo. I happen to prefer Uniqlo far greater than the likes of American Apparel, which also happens to stock basics in multiple sizes and colours. I find that the prices are easier on the wallet, but it also happens to be a far friendlier place to shop - I can do without the holier than thou hipster stares from behind non-prescription glasses when I am shopping thank you very much. (There also happens to be the fact that I have made a conscious decision not to spend my money at American Apparel anyhow.)

Currently playing: Empire State of Mind ft. Alicia Keys - Jay Z


