Sunday Viewing: Day of the Triffids

(movie poster)

The BBC television adaptation of John Wyndham's 1951 novel, The Day of the Triffids, alongside well known contemporaries such as Doctor Who and Survivors, celebrates the well earned status of sci-fi cult classic. The post-apocalyptic story told the terrifying tale of mankind succumbed to the horrors of the mysterious and ostensibly intelligent Triffid plants. The plant that was horrifyingly found to eat the rotting flesh of its victim's corpses would have been made extinct during the early years of its discovery were it not for the monetary gains that could be made from the harvesting its seeds.

A story of survival and the sour fruits of human greed, it makes quite the tale. Indeed announced last year, plans for a remake of the television series have garnered much attention and speculation. Whether the remake shall be of particular note remains to be seen, however the original shall always stand apart. So sit take some time to sit back and enjoy the first episode of six of this delightful masterpiece...

Currently playing: Persons & Machinery - UNKLE


