Part Ten: And I'm Baaaack

Apologies to you all for falling off the map these past few weeks, I am however thankfully back to blogging :) As always I shall endeavour to reply to all of your lovely comments and emails as soon as I can possibly can. I may also have a surprise in store for you all reasonably soon.

A morning snack.

What is your daily routine like?

I am a morning person, which would appear to be a habit more in the minority than I would have initially expected. Regardless of how late I happen to go to sleep on any particular night (or indeed early morning) I can never bring myself to lie in bed past mid-morning. I have always been one to wake up earlier than most and I suppose that it certainly makes life easier in terms of morning appointments and schedules.

Another benefit is that of the experience itself. The beauty of the setting sun is one that is available to the vast majority to view. Yet for whatever reason, it is one most often missed, whether as the result of the busy nature of life, or people simply forgetting how to look at such beauty. However for me the rising of the sun is an experience that is far more intimate and special. In that moment it is as if you are the only person in the world, and you are given the privilege of viewing a beauty so great that the Earth asks for it daily.

What is your favourite food?

I suppose here would be the moment where I express a love for my mother's cooking skills and those usual cliches would ensue. However, it is actually the food made my the hand of my maternal grandmother which I value most. Whether it be a variety of sumptuous dishes for a grand dinner, or simply bread and butter. It is but the simple joy of knowing that you eat something lovingly prepared for you by your grandmother. Unfortunately it is not an experience I have had the opportunity to experience as often as one would like, but they are moments that I hold dear to my heart.

That clock tower all of them tourists love. Big Jack or something?

Do you think that living in a major city is important for a career in any area of the fashion industry?

I would assume that living in a major city may not be a necessity for working in the fashion industry, but it certainly would make it more convenient. When Rick Owens set out to become a well known fashion designer, he made the choice to go to Paris, not because he had to, but because he knew that it would help him achieve what he wanted. Regardless of what it is you want in life, you have to be prepared to go after it lest it pass you by. The inherent opportunities of living in a major city certainly seem to be of benefit, however it really does depend on the individual situation. Besides, even the smallest of villages require a fashion section in their local paper...

In your opinion which three qualities does a fashion designer need to be the best that they can be?

1. A designer should love what they do.

Love makes the impossible look possible, not because it makes you foolhardy, but because it opens your eyes to possibility. If you truly love what you do, you will naturally give it your best, and that really is all you can ask of someone. A designer who truly loves what they do would be willing to overcome any obstacle life may happen to place in their path, in order to achieve their dream.

2. A designer should have self discipline.

I would assume that the hardest part of being a fashion designer is the simple fact that you have to create collections. Whilst it is easy for me to sit here and form an idea and concept for a collection, it is quite another thing to do so repetitively and to a schedule. An artist may allow inspiration and concept to flow and form naturally around them, and by doing so, create at their luxury. However the fashion designer has to be able to strictly channel their expressions to the rigid restraints of the fashion calendar. The demand for something new and fresh every season must be a very difficult burden to carry, and as such I hold the highest respect for those who are able to do so.

3. A designer should have the ability to sit back and realise that it is just fashion.

Perspective is a beautiful thing. Whilst one could easily sit for hours and debate the relative merits of either dark brown or dark tortoiseshell buttons on a certain tweed jacket, sometimes you have to remember that it is only fashion. A designer who is able to appreciate the beauty of life and know what is truly important in their own life, shall always have an advantage. Fashion is everything and nothing, but then again, everything is something at some moment in our lives.

Currently playing: In A State ft. Graham Gouldman - UNKLE


