A Tag of Sorts

The wonderful Nicole of Loquaciousness recently tagged me for a small questionnaire. So here are a few things you may (or may not, but then, feel free to skip to another post or twiddle your thumbs and hum) like to know...

What have you been thinking about lately?

The usual blend of anything and everything, and some things that fit neither title.

How many cows would it take to keep the grass in an average park short?
Why did Harry Potter not try casting "Accio Golden Egg" in the TriWizard Tournament?
When answering the telephone, we use Edison's preferred "Hello", but why can we all not change to Graham Bell's much cooler sounding "Ahoy"?
Where did Lex Luthor get his endless supply of Kryptonite from?
What were Scott Summers' (Cyclops in the X-Men) protective glasses made from?
How incredibly small Earth is in perspective to other masses in this universe.

What has been on your mind?

Ibex mountain goats. Seriously, they are incredible beyond words.

What are you excited about at the moment?

Returning to University this autumn and catching up with some dear friends.

When was the last time you made a difference to someone?

To the people who love us, our mere being makes a difference. Just as those whom I love, make a difference in my life whether they realise it or not. I am not sure that I could tell you when the last time I made a difference to someone was, for I would be the wrong person in that instance to ask. I could easily tell you the last time somebody made a difference to me, however not the other way around.

Who are you really happy for at the moment?

Anybody who has managed to achieve something they set their heart out in doing.

When was the last time you felt inspired?

You can find inspiration in anything, and if not, please look again.

I do not believe that inspiration is a concept which one may always be able to readily place. It belies the passing of time, for it is something that can grow naturally from a single thought to a blossoming tree of ideas, or it can strike across the landscape of your mind like a flash of lightning, briefly illuminating all in an amazing brilliance.

Yet one does not always recognise inspiration, for it can come from the deepest recesses of our subconscious, sprouting out in an instant, like water drawn up from the depths of the earth to surface through a humble mountain spring. I try not to look for inspiration, but let it come to me. Look for the beauty in all things, and you will be inspired more than you could possibly express.

If you could be in your dream place at the moment, what would you be doing?

I have two dream places where my mind retires to when I feel the need, although I dare not utter them aloud to others, lest by giving the fantasy a form in words, those same words disappear in front of my mouth like smoke in the wind.

However, I would be lying on the grass next to a person that I loved very much. It would be a late summer's evening, where the weather would be warm and cosy, yet fresh enough for the need to wear a thin cashmere sweater. The scent of grass would mingle with the aroma of wood smoke and the sweet fragrance of autumnal flora. A beautifully vivid sunset would give way to night, and the sky would be lit up by a million bright stars. We would watch the stars go by and think of nothing but beauty.

If somebody was to describe your personality, what would they say?

I am not sure how others would describe my personality, for we can never be truly aware of how we come across, rather only how we meant to. I would like to think that they would say I was friendly and kind. And if they happened to laugh at my little jokes, perhaps even funny.

What are you most proud of?

My progress healthwise these past few months, which has taken an incredible amount of effort but for which the results are worth far more. As well as a learnt ability to be positive regardless of a given situation.

What has been tempting you lately?

Buying a number of the stunning vintage print books in my local charity store. It is not simply the literature contained therein, but the feel and experience of such old and thoughtfully made books and words. I am always surprised by the beauty of things that may find their way into second hand and charity shops.

What do you love about people?
What do you love about [insert name]?

I love the way that thinking of [insert name] makes me smile.

Currently playing: Run This Town ft. Kanye West & Rihanna - Jay Z


