Spreading Some Love

I was recently one of the winners, of sorts, of the Pay-It-Forward tag. The ever so lovely Hannah of Sixteen Going on Seventy... luckily chose me as one of three winners. She sent a beautiful leather bound journal, and even an adorable card my way. So thank you Hannah!

The tag is a wonderful way of spreading some major love in the blogging world, and here is how it works:

- Having been one of the three to receive the tag, I must now hold a competition.
- Three winners shall be chosen from those who choose to enter.
- I shall send gifts to each of those three winners.
- The three winners must then continue the tag, and send gifts to three more people each.

In order to take part in the tag competition, just leave a comment saying you would like to enter. Do remember that if you win, you shall also have to send gifts to three blog keepers. Winners shall be picked next week, so good luck!

Currently playing: Shake ft. Pitbull - Ying Yang Twins


