"Well, the grass was thirsty"

The weather has been as fickle as ever the past few days. After a short burst of wonderfully lazy sunshine we went back to dreary days of continuous rain and thunder. The rather grey days allowed for a sudden unexpected respite from lounging on the grass, under the smiling sun, with strawberries by your side. However, for me, rainy days have always created cause for an added reason to dress more cheerfully, indeed a flash of colour on an otherwise washed out day can often provide, even if only slight, a smile to the faces of others.

As such, I decided to wear my bright yellow windbreaker for my walk this morning. Underneath, I wore a striped white t-shirt, the stripes of which are actually two-tone, with a pale blue, underscored by a more prominent navy. Picking up on the navy stripes, I opted for dark blue espadrilles as my footwear choice. Thankfully the ground was merely damp, rather than the pavement giving refuge in its lumpy surface to those sneaky and murky depths of muddied water. In order to compliment the light colour of the jacket, I went for some pale grey jeans, as opposed to a darker option, to allow for a more summery colour palette.

A special thanks to the lovely Chicky Girl for tagging me to share seven things that I love.

1. The musty smell of old books. I actually find it far nicer than the crisp and clean smell of their newer counterparts. I suppose there is a nostalgic comfort in the smell, and indeed the experience itself, of childhood days spent in the library uncovering new treasures. Setting my eyes upon stories and experiences so long forgotten that their voices have become mere echoes and traces of song on the wind.

2. Watching the wind dance across grass. I could spend my whole day sitting beneath the caring rays of the sun just watching the swirls and patterns of the wind on the grass. There is a beautiful simplicity and calm evoked from that unpredictable yet graceful union of nature.

3. The smell of fresh bread. That yeasty, warm and comforting smell takes me on a journey in my mind that is akin to receiving a hug. In fact smell actually acts directly on our limbic and emotional systems, bypassing the usually routes of function, far more than any of our other senses. I suppose we all have a meaning and emotion linked to that simple smell, but it is truly a wonderful one for me.

4. Smiling. The simple power of a smile is far greater than any words could ever even hope to describe.

5. Hearing a baby laugh. It is one of those sounds which can make you smile even if you have had the worst of days. It can both rejuvenate and repair. Indeed I often think of babies as small rays of sunshine, happy and bright, bringing a warmth and light even to the darkest of corners.

6. Tracing my fingers over handwriting. It is something I have always done when reading something written by another's hand. In a way I suppose it allows me to imagine how they felt when they wrote it, and I like to think it allows some type of connection between the reader and writer. Plus I have always held a certain fascination with handwriting and script, I often practice writing in other styles just to see how it changes the way I feel about the words I have written.

7. Waking up to watch the sun rise. I find it strange how something so beautiful can be taken for granted by so many. I suppose waking up in those early hours, with the world quite literally to myself as others sleep occupied by the wonderful freedom of their dreams, fills me with a sense of appreciation for what I have in life. It is a simply beauty, and yet a beauty one could never become numb to. It makes me smile and fills me with a sense of wonder with regards to my day to come. At that moment, life can be anything I wish it to be, I only have to try.

For those of you wondering about my question and answer posts, there are still more to come. Thank you as ever for the wealth of your questions, I really have enjoyed answering them.

Currently playing: Tokyo Dub - Juno Reactor


