Red + Blue + Awards

The sun has gently been smiling upon us for the past few days after a rather sudden onset of rain. Whilst seated on the grass in my garden and watching the birds swirl and dance to their beautiful songs through the air, I decided it only fitting for me to wear a more colourful outfit.

I opted to go with red and blue, a rather classic combination to my mind, and yet not one I often find myself wearing. I bleached my red t-shirt over the weekend simply to give it more of an interesting visual finish. I personally found it rather overpowering against my skin in its original state, especially when there were no other colours or shades to break it gently onto the eye.

The bright blue trousers are actually hand dyed, and given some wear, should hopefully display some interesting fading and tonal variations. Indeed I have always been attracted to the idea of natural fading. The subtle changes in colour and washed out patterns add a unique sense of character to clothing, which I feel that vivid single-coloured clothing can sometimes lack. Of course not all bright clothing needs tonal variation, for on their own they may truly shine, however I find the slightly faded finish more appropriate under sunshine. Perhaps it is simply my version of sun washed colour?

I would like to thank the lovely Lenaa of Bambi Brown for passing the Cute's award my way. As part of the award I have to share ten facts about myself.

1. I love the aroma of coffee. I appreciate the vast array of blends and quality of different crops, and indeed find the smell of a fresh brew wonderfully relaxing. However, I do not actually drink coffee, although I may indulge myself with a small sip on the rare occasion. I am definitely a tea man.

2. I am a candle obsessive. Whenever I am in my bedroom, I like to have a scented candle (or more than one if the aromas do not blend poorly) burning. It is however not simply the olfactory delights that I find so appealing. I find that sitting and watching the tiny flicker of flame gently licking the air is wonderfully relaxing. The flame sways and breaths almost as if it were alive, and I suppose in that instant it is. There is also the beautifully warm and gentle light candles graciously provide to a darkened room. That soft light is far more inviting than the cold and harsh light of the bulb.

3. I frequently write short stories, however I am currently also the only person to actually read them. I will spend my time before writing developing the characters, giving them a life, even if I only intend to mention the briefest of parts in passing. I also make sure to research the relevant topics and historical periods that I wish to cover as best I can. I write for the love of seeing a story come together. Even if I be the only to read it and give the words life, at the moment that is enough for me.

4. I have always wanted a personal army of flying blue monkeys with velvet brocade waistcoats, gold monocles and tiny red fezzes. Not entirely sure what I use them for, but at the very least it would be an interesting conversation starter. Plus the Wicked Witch had flying monkeys, admittedly rather pathetic ones, although she was more busy avoiding any and all water, so I suppose she had to settle with what she had.

5. I am unable to roll my R's all that easily. Sometimes I am able to and other times I find it impossible. I wish I could rrrrrrrroll them.

6. The stars are so difficult to see at night in London, that I make wishes on the few I am able to see. I often wish I could drive out to the deep recesses of the countryside on every dark night and lie in the grass just to look at the stars. The night sky is infinitely more exciting than I have ever had the opportunity to witness.

7. Before I have breakfast in the summer months, I always make sure to put a bowl full of water (sometimes with a little sugar) and some pieces of bread at the back of the garden for the birds or other animals to eat and drink. Although it may not be much, I like to think I am helping in some small way during the summer heat.

8. I love teddy bears. I actually have a shelf full of stuffed animals and toy bears. I am on the hunt to find my own perfect vintage brown bear, preferably something with a silk bow and marbles for eyes. In fact I have always thought that when I hopefully have children one day, I shall buy each a beautiful bear when they are born. It will grow old and wise with them, and when they themselves have children, the bear can be passed down to tell its amazing stories to the next child.

9. I never know what to do with my hair. I am often torn between letting it grow into long smooth curls, or simply cutting it all short, with only a few curls atop my head.

10. I shall be writing my 500th post (...sort of) tomorrow, and my long delayed project shall have its first announcement.

A special thanks also to the wonderful Diana of for passing me this cute You are a great read award.

Currently playing: Revolutionary (Op. 10, No. 12) - Frederic Chopin


