Part Five: Of Style

Where did you get your sense of style - is it genetic, or something learned?

My answer to this question relies solely on one's answer to the question - what is style? I therefore feel it prudent to first explore my own understanding of that word, before attempting to give any real answer. Indeed I have always felt that the meaning of the word style depends on the person who chooses to say it, and which context they choose to do so. For the most parts we use the word style, or the description of stylish, to simply imply good style. Yet I feel that this very specific implication removes one from being able to truly understand the word and its meaning.

We all have a style from the very moment we are born. Style evolves from the fact that we are all unique, and as such, it is not simply an aesthetically- or visually based concept. Rather I believe that it is something inherently far more metaphorically- or indeed existentially based.

Style is the way in which we choose to present ourselves to the world.

How can one present oneself well, if one does not first take the time to know oneself well? Having good style, is about feeling comfortable in who you are and therefore being comfortable in the fashion choices you make. Far too often people use clothing to provide an outer shell, allowing them an assumed identity to protect themselves from the world. It is used as a uniform with a pre-existing notion of character and personality, which is employed so that the wearer does not attract any real attention in asking who they truly are. One does not question the uniform of a simple suit, or the uniform of a grey tracksuit, for they carry a socially assumed implication of character.

If I do not feel comfortable in myself, I am not able to feel truly comfortable and confident in what I wear. Style may be but a momentary reflection of who we truly are, a mere glimpse at the depth of character which is hidden underneath. But it is also a window into the soul of a person. The way in which I choose to dress, the way in which I choose to conduct myself, the way in which I choose to write, the way in which I choose to relate to other people, the way in which I choose to phrase myself - these are all factors which make up our personal style.

What one needs to understand is that personal style, when applied in terms of fashion, is something which can never have a true constant. The very fact that we are living, means we can not simple take style as a standardised still concept. Our understanding of style is a contextual and relative one. We are ever evolving, changing, ageing, developing and growing. Style, like our very selves, is a fluid concept. How I choose to define myself today, is not the same way I chose to define myself ten years ago. Even the way I choose to define myself now, is not the same way I chose to define myself only a second ago.

Our understanding of style is unable to exist in the often expressed vacuum of time removed. That is not to say that one may not have a general style over a lifetime, however it is just that, a general trend. The very fact that who I am is constantly changing, not in the sense of the individual, but rather in the psychological, and indeed philosophical, sense means that my style must too be constantly evolving. The very fact that I may suddenly be inspired by a colour I see in front of me, will affect how I perceive the world, and as such affect how I perceive myself and what I believe my style to be.

Style does not only evolve by virtue of how we perceive the world, and our constantly evolving selves, but also due to our physical development. Our bodies change as we age, and thus so must our style. What suits my body now, may not suit my body in five or ten years time. One must adapt personal style so that it is manages to be relevant and contemporary, in keeping with how one's self develops. Even the smallest changes, such as how my skin tans in the summer can affect my choices, in that specific colours may not have quite the same meaning and feeling against me.

One can therefore see that style is as fluid a concept as the answer to the question of who I truly am. I am my style, and my style is me. It is the not simply the physical and materialistic extension of my self, but also how I perceive my self and how I relate to the world. Can that ever be something learned, or is it more a development of mind and self?

One can learn what colours compliment one's complexion, or what shapes and cuts compliment one's body. However one does not learn to have personal taste. It is both something we are born with, but also a combination of our memories, experiences and feelings. A newborn baby may have an inexplicable preference for a certain colour, despite only just having opened their eyes for the first time. One could attribute this immediate preference to the way in which that baby's eyes first perceive different colours or textures. How their brains interpret those messages and as such make a decision to reach out to and grow to like. However our likes and interests can not simply be defined as those scientific rationalisations, just as life can not truly be appreciated when thought of simply as a beating heart and brain activity. For does a heart transplant patient become the donor?

One can learn what flatters and what does not, and one can develop preferences to different choices. However it is not simply a collection of experiences and memories who make us who we are, and likewise style can not simply be seen as such, as something learned. Yet it is equally not purely genetic, just as our character and personalities can not simply be attributed to our genetic makeups. Our personal style is something we have from the moment we are born to the moment we die, however those two points are simply the start and end. Just like our lives pan out, so does the concept of our style. There may be general trends, but it is not a constant concept.

I am still learning what colours suit me, and am still learning what cuts and fits flatter me best. I like to experiment and push my own boundaries, not only to evolve my style, but also to learn more about myself. Fashion for me is often a process of self discovery. Trying to understand why I prefer a certain colour one moment, or why a certain garment seems to flatter me best, is part of the process of understanding my body. However it is also part of the process of exploring and understanding my identity, my character and my self.

Style and self are for me, essentially the same.

In terms of what or who I believe to have been the foremost influence on my personal style, that would have to be my father. My father is definitely a traditional gentleman and the way he taught and still teaches me to live and develop my self, has and always shall influence my fashion and style. He is the type of man who still bows when meeting ladies, and has never worn a pair of jeans in his life.

My father has been the greatest influence on my fashion, as he has always taught me the importance of being presentable. He taught me that presenting myself well does not only show self respect, but also respect for others. The way in which I choose to dress inevitably effects the way in which those around me will perceive me. If I do not dress in a presentable manner, it means that I do not care how those around me will perceive me. I show them a disrespect, however most of all, I show myself disrespect.

My father always maintains a presentable manner, even on the weekends. His uniform, if that is the word I may use, usually consists of a shirt, blazer, smart trousers with belt and leather shoes. Winter weather may also see the addition of a coat, sweater, woolen scarf and gentleman's hat. My father rarely buys clothing, and indeed the majority of his clothes are actually older than I am. He believes in buying classic pieces - wearing and caring for them for years to come. His style has always been smart and traditional.

The fact that my father has such a strong sense of style, and indeed a strong sense of character, are what I believe have helped me to become the person I am today. Although I may experiment far more in terms of my fashion, it is because I am still discovering myself and my own boundaries. Although his style has evolved as he has changed over the years, his general tastes have merely been adapted rather than radically shifting. I believe that is because he truly knows who he is and as such truly knows his own style. Although the path of self discovery never ends, he has a better idea of his path than I do. And it is due to that, that he has such a strong and defined sense of style. It is truly something that I admire, and thank him for teaching me and indeed influencing me with.

P.S. An extra special thanks to the wonderful Liz of It's Unbeweavable for allowing me to write a guest post for her blog - check it out here!

Currently playing: Decisions ft. Neyo - Brandy


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