"Sorry Piglet, Pooh said you can't come"

Photographs courtesy of the Guardian.

The idea of uniform has always been something that has intrigued me. The functionality of a chosen uniform may be unique to each, however they will all inherently seek to create a visual identity of singular belonging. Uniforms help to create a feeling of solidarity among those who wear them. The individual feels a part of something, and in there lies a strength and sense of security. In its most basic form, the uniform promotes the idea of a team, yet it can also be used in extreme cases to demote the individual into having no sense of self. It is the freedom in the way that one chooses to wear the uniform that prevents this loss of personality.

Interestingly, inherent to the concept of uniformity there will always be some notion of individuality. The juxtaposition of the two happen to exist simultaneously wherever one notes a uniform. A child may choose to wear their school blazer in a certain way, or their trousers with a certain slouch. A nurse may choose wear a certain necklace with their scrubs, or wear their hair in a certain way to work. It is these small individualistic expressions which hold the greatest of meanings. When confined to a specific singular look of clothing, we will always seek to personalise and express a sense of our own individuality.

As such, I was fascinated when I came across these photographs of individuals in Mexico who had chosen to decorate their masks. In response to the outbreak of Swine 'Flu, surgical masks have been handed out en masse to the populace of Mexico in an attempt to stem the spread of infection. Yet, even with something so basically functional and utilitarian, for the purpose of offering personal protection, one can already note the way in which individuals have chosen to wear them.

The reasoning behind the decoration of their masks, one could possibly attribute to the idea of making a frightening situation far more palatable and hence easier to deal with. However the way I see the occurence is in the beautiful form of human expression. At our cores, we are all driven by a basic need to express our emotions, aesthetic tastes and very selves. Whether this be in the form of how we choose to decorate our homes, or how we choose our clothing, it is our own choices that matter. I personally see these photographs as a celebration of individuality and self-expression, and, lest we forget, fashion.

Currently playing: The Lights And Buzz - Jack's Mannequin


