a private world...

a private world
Vogue Italia
November 2008
Photographer: Tim Walker
via TFS

...where the dark secrets of the modern fairy tale come alive.

We are forced to grow up far too soon, and we quickly forget the innocence and wonder of our days of childhood fantasy. But what happens to these seemingly immortal fairy tales as we forget day by day?

Perhaps their world falls slowly into ruin, decaying as our memory of its beauty is erased callously by age. They grow decrepit, silently wishing and hoping we would just remember. They cling on helplessly, clawing away at their cramped niches in the deepest and darkest recesses of our minds. They dare not even let out a whisper, lest we take notice and violently shrug them off in our ostensible maturity. They wish we would bring even the smallest of lights into their world and, even if only for moment, allow them to be beautiful again.

I was reading a story to my nephew today, and it was odd that although I knew the story from childhood, I had not thought of it for what seemed like an entire lifetime. I wondered whether the fairy tale had been left to age in mind, long forgotten like Sleeping Beauty's castle - the kingdom reclaimed by nature. Yet for my nephew it was as new and exciting as any other story he had yet to hear. For while I was there to narrate to him the tale, it would stay forever young and perfect.

Currently playing: Pistolero - Juno Reactor


