Remember to look up once in a while.

I went for a short walk around the block this weekend with my camera in hand to take some photographs. I saw the majestic tree pictured above, which had shed a vast array of tiny yellow buds across the pavement, making a fascinating colour contrast against the cold grey. As I was taking close up shots of that beautiful cascade of colour on the ground, I took a quick look up at the branches above me. What I saw was even more fascinating than what I had been so preoccupied by. I took a quick snap of the canopy, whose size was daunting, yet had a great sense of comfort to it.

I walked over to the base of the tree, and looked straight up the trunk, towards the skies above - the experience was absolutely amazing. The view that my eyes could see managed to betray my sense of standing, in that what I saw, gave me an unexpected experience as if I were standing on the edge of the world and peering down into a fathomless chasm. An odd sense of vertigo was simultaneously met by an admiration of the previously unknown beauty.

I suppose a photographer should always try to introduce the viewer into looking at an ordinary subject in the most extraordinary of ways. To that effect, on Monday I actually went out with my Olympus XA2 and shot a number of colourful, just budding trees, from below in order to try and capture the awe that I had felt in those moments. Once they are developed and printed, I shall be sure to share them with you all.

Currently playing: Masters Of The Universe - Juno Reactor


