100409 & Seven Things

The full view.

The wonderful Lesley of Dear Lord...the Cheese! and lovely Jillian of Nova Style both tagged me with the Seven Things post. So here it goes...

1. I love going for long runs. There is a wonderful sense of freedom in movement. I especially enjoy the fact that coupled with that physical freedom is that calm sense of mental being, which washes over you once you get into your natural flow.
2. I am a huge George Romero fan, and I absolutely love zombie movies. It seems the quality of such movies have declined in years past, however I am definitely looking forward to the arrival of World War Z next year. Adapted from the novel of the same name by Max Brooks, who also wrote the excellently witty yet educative Zombie Survival Guide, the rights for the screenplay were actually recently battled over between the production companies of Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio.
3. I am still on the hunt for one of the older bottles of Bel Ami by Hermès. Unlike the majority of the standard mens' fragrances of today, which tend to be overworkerd shades of citrus freshness and harsh smelling tenage deodrants, Bel Ami reads more like a fine wine on the nose against a sea of sharp chemicals. The spicey cardamom and cedar wood opening, soon gives way to beautifully deep tones of sandalwood, vanilla, amber, and even feather touches of tobacco and leather. Admittedly a fragrance more suited to formalwear and evenings than everyday usage, it is still for me one of the great classic mens' fragrances. Unfortunately it seems the subtlties of these finely crafted scents are mostly lost on my generation.
4. Continuing with the fragrance theme, I am quite excited by the release of candles by A.P.C. The versions, including scents such as tumbac and fig leaf, sound delightful. Additionally the relatively friendly price tag of €20, make these a cheaper alternative to my beloved range of favourites over at Colette.
5. I have a love for documentaries, which I could literally watch all day. Whether it be the historical accounts of a battle, to the exploration of space, to the migration of geese, to the latest theory on how the pyramids were built, I enjoy watching them all.
6. I tend to buy the majorirty of my books in charity stores rather than actual bookstores. The benefit of student friendly prices, including the bonus of giving to charity, means that I am more willing to try new books. I will usually pick books at random, and take in the cover design, read the blurb and note which newspapers and bodies actually reviewed the book. You would be surprised at how many gems of literature I have picked up, which I may have otherwised ignored.
7. I have long been an avid reader of Black Cover, as well as other stationery based sites. As someone who tends to write, sketch and document daily in notebooks, I am always fascinated to learn about new and beautiful notebooks, ink pens and other stationery. Nerdy, but true!

Currently playing: Tokyo Dub - Juno Reactor




Those Fresh Spring Days