Movement & 10 Things

Photography by Giorgio Z Gatti.

Fashion is art with movement. Just like one expressing themselves through the movement of their body in dance, or through the movement of sound in song, or through the movement of their pen on paper in poetry, I have always viewed fashion as an artform based in movement.

Fashion is fluid in its concept and realisation. It is constantly evolving in its place as art; whether this be in the larger sense of historical trends, or simply how one's own creative expression via fashion changes over the years. However, it is not only the inherent fluidity of what fashion is that defines it as based in movement. The very essence of clothing is lost without a sense of movement. A dress is nothing but formless cloth, until that is, a woman puts it on gives it shape, character and meaning. She carries it and gives it a life and a new sense of beauty that would never otherwise be seen, or indeed be seen again. It is in that moment unique to only her, even if a million others carry the exact same dress.


Special thanks to the wonderfully stylish Surimay of the beautifully named, Sugar and Blush, who gave me the Honest Weblog award.

"This award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant. When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to the said person so everyone knows she/he is real. Choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have seven friends. Show the seven random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon. List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. Then pass it on!”

Ten Honest Things...

1. As a child, if someone were to ask me what I wanted to be when I was older, I simply used to reply - "Happy". It is the unknown in life that make it worth living, so I have never believed in expecting any certainties in the future or out of life in general. That being said however, two ideas I have always entertained are of writing and teaching. Yet I do not mean that in the traditional sense of being a novel writer or teacher, rather I would love to write and through that teach others. Whether it be in the sense of simply conveying facts, or opening their minds to new ways of thinking.

2. Since a young age I have been able to mend and alter my own clothing, unfortunately the next practical step of actually making clothes has never be realised. Thankfully however, I have recently started slowly teaching myself how to construct and sew simple garments. Not only will this enable me to construct well fitting pieces of my own design in the future, however I also believe that it will garner within me a new appreciation of the technical aspects of fashion.

3. I actually look forward to the idea of getting married and having children. I also oddly look forward to being an elderly grandfather one day and telling my grandchildren of my younger days and showing them relics of times past.

4. Despite the fact that I have never been comfortable in minimalist surroundings, and prefer my bedroom to look lived in and with a slue of interesting objects on display, I am meticulously neat. When one has a neat and orderly environment, the mind and body thrive. As such, I am sure to keep not only my bedroom but also my general persons tidy. The way one presents themselves is a look into their character. Indeed, my parents have always taught me that a well presented man shows respect not only for himself, but also for others.

5. I find housework oddly relaxing, whether it be washing the dishes or ironing clothes. I suppose there is something within the monotonous and well considered routine of it that relaxes my mind.

6. Despite this being primarily a fashion blog, I must confess that I have not actually bought an item of clothing so far in 2009. In all honesty, despite having a rather large wishlist, I simply do not have the resources currently available to bring it into realisation. However, I suppose creativity is the exciting prospect, of making new and interesting looks from what I already have and love. An added bonus is that I have inadvertently joined the swelling ranks of bloggers on a self imposed shopping ban.

7. It sounds rather ridiculous, however I can not bring myself to be near inflated rubber balloons. As a young child I actually only had fifty percent hearing, however once my hearing was fixed, for me it was quite literally a sensory explosion. One of the first things that happened with my improved hearing was the popping of a number of balloons, the sound of which shocked me rather badly. To this day I feel uncomfortable around balloons.

8. I have a habit of counting to myself when doing things such as walking down the stairs or stirring my tea with a spoon. I am not entirely sure why I do it, nor do I ever seek out any specific numerical total. I suppose Freud would no doubt have something interesting to say about it though.

9. I, along with the vast majority, dislike the sound of my own voice. The sound we actually hear with our ears is the reflection of our voice, combined with the sound of it within our own skulls.

10. It still utterly amazes me how many people actually read and comment on this blog. I still feel like a complete amateur, and often I can not being myself to read my own posts of even a few weeks old. Hopefully that is a good sign of improvement however! A most sincere and huge thanks to all of you though, you really do make this blogging experience worthwhile.

Rather than tagging specific bloggers, I shall encourage you all to share ten facts about yourselves. Unfortunately it seems that the award image was lost along the way at any rates.

Currently playing: Lil Star ft. Cee-Lo - Kelis


Sunday Viewing: Carine Roitfeld
