More Than Your Average Bindle

The following photographs are from the Spring 09 lookbook of Japan-based accessories label, Hobo. Personally speaking, the classic leather and suede offerings simply scream perfection.

I shall admit that I have always had quite the romantic vision of the hobo lifestyle in my mind's eye. It is in its very essence the ideal of freedom - travelling to wherever chance or opportunity takes one. However, in stark contrast is the reality that behind this ideal is the unequivocal driving force of necessity. Indeed thousands of workers took to the rails and the road during the Great Depression, relentlessly seeking out work or at least the rudimentary ingredients for survival. Even so, the image of travelling with only the items and garments one can carry on one's back has always been of great appeal to me.

I suppose that one dream of mine has always been to take some time out and travel - journeying to whichever place I wished for in the moment. It would be a journey of planning nothing and allowing chance to be my directional compass. This inspiration is in no doubt inspired by my father.

My father left home at the age of eighteen. He would spend the next few years simply travelling to wherever his fancy took him, working just long enough in each city and country to save up money to leave again. He often narrates his colourful tales, which always surprise those who hear. His demeanour and look is probably misleading of one who backpacked across the world during his wild younger years.

Indeed his many experiences have always bee a source of inspiration - from working on an oil tanker in the Gulf, to sipping coffee on the streets of Rome, to training to be a pilot, to fishing off the shores of Greece, to working as a newspaper journalist, to throwing snowballs in the winter of Montreal, to working in a theatre in the West End of London. I have written many short stories inspired by his travels, yet none do justice to his beautiful and unique experiences.

Currently playing: The Lights And Buzz - Jack's Mannequin


"We'll make this dream come true"
