Tied Trilogy

My morning was spent in a waiting room, biding my time before a lengthy appointment with one of my doctors. The room was sparsely furnished with a few green-canvas covered chairs, comfortable enough to sit on at first, however after a small time waiting, positively Spartan in feel. The cream walls were covered on the one side with various healthcare literature and the usual warnings over obesity and smoking. Contrasted to that somewhat overcrowded wall, with each message and warning fighting to be read, was a beautiful painting on the opposing wall.

The stretched canvas took centerplace on the wall, with a countryside scene lovingly depicted on its surface. The artist had evidently spent their time carefully planning each stroke of the wonderfully pieced together sky. It seemed to narrate a story of its own, most definitely related to the cottage it stood over, yet firmly independent in its travels. Indeed whilst the cottage remained, relatively unchanged day by day, the changes that occured overhead were stunning, mesmerising and yet illusive all at once.

Whilst admiring this painting, I noticed another, quite elderly gentleman in the room. He was seated leisurely with a simple navy sport coat, adorned with red silk pocket square, buttoned over his white, club-collared shirt. I noted his smartly pressed charcoal wool trousers, brown monk strap shoes and red socks.

The man smiled across at me, and told me of his grandchildren who come to visit him once a year. He tells them every year that the sky holds no distinction, that it indulges to no mans' imagined boundaries, and it is one of the few joys open to us all. However he also warns them that its beauty is not one to be chased, for there is a greater beauty to be found within the people who stand under it.

He went on to tell me that my clothing reminded him of his younger self. He happily recalled a time when he would play with colour on a daily basis, yet always coming back to what he called the 'colour trilogy'. The memory brought a sudden joy to his face, like that of an innocent child's. I was struck by how my simply choice of colour for the day had sparked such happiness.

Currently playing: Just A Friend - Mario


