Layers of Colour

I was thinking about outerwear this morning as I dressed for a check up with one of my doctors. In the winter months it seems that many are content to simply wear a thick, dark and rather unflattering coat due to the fact that it serves the purpose of protecting one from the elements. With something as important as a coat, something you will inevitably wear almost every day during the colder period, I have always thought that your choice should help finish your outfit, not cover it up.

Indeed it is often the important items that have almost daily usage, such as coats, gloves or even something such as spectacles, that many never seem to pay due attention to. Dichotomously, a purchase such a t-shirt or a single pair of trousers, that one may only wear every so often, seem to garner a greater amount of attention and thought in their choosing.

As such, rather than wearing my charcoal trench for the day, I decided that I wanted something with a little more colour and visual stimulus. I decided to wear a pink and blue flannel plaid shirt in the place of a jacket. So as not to expose my body too greatly to the chilled weather, I made sure to layer underneath, including a grey hooded top and pink long sleeve t-shirt to compliment the shirt jacket. Mirroring the casual look, I also wore a pair of faded jeans and a pair of Vans. Out of shot in the above photographs, I wore a pair of pink socks, which although hidden from the sight of others, apart perhaps from a quick flash when walking, finshed the look off for me.

Currently playing: Digital Love - Daft Punk


