Building Around The Tie

I had yet another doctor to see this morning, it appears the frequency with which I spend my time doing so is ever increasing. I decided to build my outfit for the day around a single piece, which was a wonderful striped tie that belongs to my father.

To compliment the greys of the tie, I wore a light blue shirt, over which I decided to go with a light grey cardigan. For my lower half, I decided to go with a pair of faded jeans and my brown leather brogue boots. I always feel that I need to tuck my trousers in when wearing boots, for some reason it always feels more comfortable when walking. I suppose it is as there is little likelihood of getting the ends of my trousers frayed or wet when walking on pavement and over puddles. In order to compliment the reds of tie I also wore bright red socks, which are out of shot, being underneath the boots. I guess the overall look I was searching for was of comfortable yet lived in smartwear.

My father believes in always dressing smart, and although he has very few clothes, they are all of high quality. In fact he very rarely buys clothing in general, opting to wear his aged yet well loved garments. I suppose well looked after and well made clothes are always the better choice than throw away fashion. Indeed my father's style has not changed in years, yet he has always managed to look smart, which is something I admire greatly.

Apologies for the delay in getting back to all of your wonderful comments, I shall try to get around to it as soon as possible.
And also may I take the opportunity to wish a certain someone a very happy birthday.

Currently playing: Diamond Girl - Ryan Leslie




4th Photograph Tag