Those Rainy Days...

The past few days have been rather dreary weather wise, the dark clouds have shed their weight as precipitation and the cold has been chilling the air. Unfortunately my health has taken a down turn also as of late, however we all have our problems to tackle. My hair was rather frizzy to say the least, so an instant remedy came in the form of my grey beanie. It also happened to work well against a drafty home, in which the temperature seems to waver between warm and cosy, to cold and still, depending on whether the central heating is in play. The embroidered blue and gold scarf actually belongs to my sister, although given my love for scarves, I am quick to borrow a number of hers. No doubt the trousers will once again not be to everyone's taste, yet they are comfortable in the least.

Please excuse the rather awful lighting and quality of the photographs!

Currently playing: Comfortable ft. Babyface - Lil Wayne




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