The Night The Sky Lit Up

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Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and plot ;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

The night is filled with an electricity. Young children, parents, grandparents, friends, family, all huddled together in the piercing cold of night. There is excitement in the sweeping winds, the rising murmur of voices drown all else as that long anticipated moment draws nearer. Hunderds of glittering eyes scan the heavens awaiting that faintest of signs. A sudden swish renders the voices still all in an instant, a faint trail of fire fired up into the sky. Speeding up into the darkness, it leaves the briefest of trails, etched so brightly into the dark, as if someone had slashed into the canvas of night. Then just as the shooting light reaches a crescendo, it erupts violently, coloured fire bursts out in all direction, the boom echoing for miles. The flash seems to suck the darkness straight out of its place and leave instead its visual magic. The wonderous display of such immense power, however is short lived, it begins to fall slowly, not wanting to leave, and falls unseen back into the night.

(Streatham Common display)

Currently playing: The Game of Love ft. Michelle Branch - Carlos Santana


081108 - Taaags
