Dressing for Autumn

I was happy to be able to leave the house today and manage to visit my cousin in order to see his newly born child, especially joyous as it was his first born. The sunshine that tempted us for a few days previously has quickly vanished. The space has quickly been taken up by omnious grey clouds and ever frequent smatterings of rain, leaving the colours of the street oddly darker yet far more vivid once when wet. It seems the autumnal London weather is now quite truly upon us, and I must say I do take comfort in curling up inside whilst the sound of the rain pounding the cityscape mumurs hidden behind the veil of night. This is now also the case given that the clocks went back an hour early this morning, heralding the dark evening commutes for the many city workers.

However rather than dress subdued for the rather dingy weather, I decided to don a bright white woolen shawl neck sweater with tortoise shell buttons. Underneath I wore a simple light blue shirt and woolen brown striped tie. For autumn I find that rather than wearing pale denim, I automatically seek darker jeans, which I wore with my brown brogue boots.

Boots are most definately indispensable in light of the rain and dark puddles hidden in the uneven pavement surfaces. What I find odd is that after only recently repaving our road so it was beautifully smooth, the local Council in their unalterable wisdom decided to tear it up, in order to replace our old yet quite servicable Victorian waterpipes, leaving the road patchy and in far worse condition than it was previously.

I would like to thank you all for the lovely comments and will try to get back to each and every one of you as soon as possible.

Currently playing: Missin' You - Trey Songz (love the instrumentals, I find the beat incredibly catchy personally)


