Mild Summer Mornings

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So everyone knows that a man should never wear socks with sandals, however does that rule still apply to espadrilles? Personally I have yet to see a man wear socks with espadrilles, well to be honest I have yet to see, but a handful of men wear espadrilles in the first place.

So due to a rather mild morning, I decided wearing socks would be a good idea to avoid cold feet. Admittedly I am for the most parts house bound due to ill health, however I do still enjoy my meals sitting in the garden and often lounging comfortably on the grass. Personally I do not think I could ever wear traditional length socks with espadrilles, but I feel that ankle (low profile) socks work quite well for my tastes.

I decided to work in a contrast to the majority blue of the outfit in order to draw attention to the detail. I am actually one to put rather a lot of thought into the socks I wear, I feel that although they are only a minor detail, they can have a subtle yet remarkable impact on an outfit. Many men feel that because you may only notice socks when walking or when sitting, and only usually a sliver at that, that they for the most part can be ignored. Yet I feel that this can be used to an advantage, for example wearing coloured or patterned socks with a suit can draw a look together. Added to this is the advantage of being more visually interesting and coherent to an outfit than plain black socks on black shoes as the majority of men opt for.

On a side note does anyone else notice any discrepancies between the colour and saturation of their photographs after being uploaded via blogger?

Currently playing: Got Money ft. T-Pain - Lil Wayne


Essentials Part Four: The Knit Of It


Sketching To The Rain