Bring Your Own Sun

The majority of the day thus far has been punctuated with sudden downfalls of rain and bland monotone skies. The sun seems to be slowly getting accustomed to its winter veil behind the clouds somewhat early, however nature has always had that wonderful unpredictability behind it. Today I have yet another doctor to see and I thought given that the day is so sullen weather wise, I would bring the sunshine myself with an extraordinarily bright yellow windbreaker. Apologies for the frizz and slightly haggered look, a lack of sleep has left me looking in want of a slight touch of pampering. I am also wearing espadrilles today, probably not the smartest idea given the rain. However seeing as the only time I will actually have to brave the weather is between a door and a car or vice versa, I saw little reason to hesistate with working my summer based clothing.

Currently playing: Malo - Bebe


Sketching To The Rain


Donning The Scarf